Thursday, June 23, 2011


While worrying about moral policing,

why don’t they consider some glaring facts about feminine dressing.

Socially and biologically, women require more safety and security than men.

A feminine body is more vulnerable to violence. It’s more susceptible to danger.

It should be carefully protected from sun, dirt, men’s stare and glare.

But ironically her body is more exposed to those harmful things than that of men’s.

More open to evil things. Why? Some biological reasons?

Is it for her convenience and comfort?

Because of simplicity, modesty, humility?

Neither of these factors!

Who’s responsible to this contradiction?

Who designed the female dress code and style?

She is ordered (?) to wear light, transparent, tight wears whereas men wear stiff, opaque,

loose-fitting outfits! Tight-fit, transparent clothes, blouse, pants and other feminine garments

definitely enhance sex appeal and to attract the opposite sex.

Isn’t the weaker sex deliberately creating an environment inviting sexual motivation and

violence with their provocative appearance?

Who decided that the man should be decently dressed covering almost all the body except the face

and the woman should be with some very nice transparent, tight-fit attires?

Feminists, never turn a blind eye on these findings.

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