Eating sugar Telling lies
(a skit written by ptsalam)
- Beggar girl
- Man
- Reporter
- Cameraman
- Boy
Scene 1
(On rising the curtain the song from the background)
Jhonny Jhonny… Yes Papa
Eating sugar… No Papa
Telling lies… No Papa
Open your mouth…Ha Ha Ha.
A park in Town: (two pairs of boys and girls found sitting on either sides of a bench. One pair is facing the audience while the other the opposite. They are in silent talk.
A Youngman is seen watching them and looks around for someone. A lady enters from the left. The man goes with her in a flirting mood meanwhile another lady passes by entering from the right. The man, confused, takes a U turn to accompany the other lady and they exit.)
(A beggar, a blind girl appears asking for alms…)
Beggar: Kindly give me ten rupees. Be kind to this poor blind girl. I cannot see with both my eyes. Give me ten rupees please… I don’t have two eyes… (repeated)
(The Youngman has been watching the beggar.Looking into her eyes…)
Man: You lost two eyes..? What nonsense! I can see your eyes …
Beggar: Give me ten rupees please… I don’t ha two eyes.
Man: You are lying, okey? I’m sure your one eye is okay…
I don’t believe this.. Look, you can see with this eye, I’m sure…!
Beggar: Is it…? Then give me five rupees… kindly give me five rupees…
Be kind to this poor blind girl. Give me five rupees please…
(The man runs away and the girl after him.)
Scene 2
(A new reporter and his cameraman appear. Watching the pairs in different t angles prepares to shoot. Places the camera in the right position.)
Reporter: Action…. Cut… camera …Cut… action …
(The pairs look each other embarrassed)
Reporter: (facing the camera, to the audience) You’re watching the exclusive report, the live telecast of Love Jihad, the recent threat terrorism in a new form, what is termed as Romeo Jihad…. The major cities in south India, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and our own Cochin is under this new form of thalibanism…
(The pairs embarrassed, stands up look each other in surprise)
Reporter: Girls in Kerala are getting wooed by these Jihadi boys in our Hi Tec citied and campuses. Just watch what is happening here right now… a real Jihad in the name of Love thousands of girls are being cheated like this they are later massively and forcefully converted into a different ideology….
This is Johnny Vargees of Asiavision Channel fromCochin with camera man Johnny Lucas.
Boy: Bloody nonsense… this is my own sister. We come her in Cochin for PSC test. Can’t we sit here and discuss the questions…?
Both the Cameraman and the reporter are manhandled by the pairs.
They cries out: oh my God..! Help us anybody their …help us …save our life… (They runs out)
Reporter: (re- enters, with a bandaged cuff and he removes a black cloth stuck on his mouth to speak out) there is no freedom of Press here in kerala. Nor freedom of expression. The media is under threat. people are not enlightened.. No freedom for telling lies…
(The Curtan)
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