Enlish Language Teaching Made Easy
A. Be familiar with popular proverbs
1. Nothing is impossible
2. Time n Tide waits for no man
3. Honesty is the best policy
4. United we stand Divided we fall
5. Where there a will there a way
6. Slow and steady wins the race
7. Think before you leap
8. Charity begins at home
9. Doctor heal thyself
10. Life is not a bed if roses
11. A stitch in time saves nine
12. As you sow so you reap
13. To be or not to be…
14. Do or die
15. Give me blood I will give you freedom
B. Writing Titles and Headlines
1. Nonstop sand-mining in Chaliyar
2. Seminar on environment
3. Plea to protect riverbeds
4. Plea to implement new schemes in Education
5. Triumph of hope
6. Dream come true
7. Strengthen your nation: P m’s appeal to youth
8. State to honor A R Rahman
9. Four injured in bus accident
10. Bid to boycott classes
11. Murder accused held
C. Writing Slogans, placards, banners, etc.
1. Up up nature club
2. Up up Indian Team
3. Down down Fascism
4. Down with Imperialism
5. Long live Democracy
6. Long live Secularism
7. We want equality
8. We need love n care
9. Say no to communalism
10. We don’t want discrimination
11. No more Hiroshima
12. Stop war to save life
13. United we stand Divided we fall
14. Stand united in peace and fraternity
15. Be just and do justice to the poor
16. Uphold justice
D. Writing Instructions
1. Keep Silence
2. Please wait in the Queue
3. Thank you for not smoking
4. Use the waste bins
5. Do not touch the glass-pane
6. Avoid disturbing the animals
7. Plastic-free zone
8. Change please
9. Help us n help yourself
10. Beware of poisonous snakes
11. Beware of pick-pockets
12. Ticket:
13. Adult- Rs.10.00
14. Children under 12: Rs. 5.00
15. No ticket for Children under 3
16. Spittoon
17. Do not spit here
18. Urinal: Gents
19. Toilet : Ladies
E. Writing Captions
1. Back to school with new books n hopes…
2. Striving hard for a better tomorrow…
3. A hard earned victory….
4. Stooping to conquer…
5. Unity in diversity, not in uniformity…
Eating sugar Telling lies
(a skit written by ptsalam)
Scene 1
(On rising the curtain the song from the background)
Jhonny Jhonny… Yes Papa
Eating sugar… No Papa
Telling lies… No Papa
Open your mouth…Ha Ha Ha.
(A beggar, a blind girl appears asking for alms…)
Beggar: Kindly give me ten rupees. Be kind to this poor blind girl. I cannot see with both my eyes. Give me ten rupees please… I don’t have two eyes… (repeated)
(The Youngman has been watching the beggar.(The man runs away and the girl after him.)
Scene 2
Reporter: (facing the camera, to the audience) You’re watching the exclusive report, the live telecast of Love Jihad, the recent threat terrorism in a new form, what is termed as Romeo Jihad…. The major cities in south India, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and our own Cochin is under this new form of thalibanism…
(The pairs embarrassed, stands up look each other in surprise)
Reporter: Girls in Kerala are getting wooed by these Jihadi boys in our Hi Tec citied and campuses. Just watch what is happening here right now… a real Jihad in the name of Love thousands of girls are being cheated like this they are later massively and forcefully converted into a different ideology….
This is Johnny Vargees of Asiavision Channel fromCochin with camera man Johnny Lucas.
Boy: Bloody nonsense… this is my own sister. We come her in Cochin for PSC test. Can’t we sit here and discuss the questions…?
Both the Cameraman and the reporter are manhandled by the pairs.
They cries out: oh my God..! Help us anybody their …help us …save our life… (They runs out)
Reporter: (re- enters, with a bandaged cuff and he removes a black cloth stuck on his mouth to speak out) there is no freedom of Press here in kerala. Nor freedom of expression. The media is under threat. people are not enlightened.. No freedom for telling lies…
(The Curtan)
Gone, but not forgotten
WC- 2
In Loving Memory of
WC- 3
To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die
WC- 4
Entered into rest
WC- 5
Until we meet again
WC- 6
I shall but love thee better after death
WC- 7
Forever in our hearts
WC- 8
Always in our hearts
WC- 9
At rest with God/ Rest in Peace
WC- 10
Too well loved to ever be forgotten
WC- 11
Asleep in Jesus
WC- 12
Home with God, which is far better
WC- 13
Ours for a little while, with Jesus forever
WC- 14
Everlasting life through Christ
WC- 15
Asleep in Christ Jesus
WC- 16
Beloved of the Lord
WC- 17
The song is ended, but the melody lingers on
WC- 18
Rest in thine, sweet memory ours
WC- 19
Sweetly sleeping
WC- 20
Loving memories last forever
WC- 21
Hasten, oh blessed hour or reunion
WC- 22
Not lost to memory! Not lost to love!
but gone to our Father's house above
WC- 23
Step softly, a dream lies buried here
WC- 24
Your love will light my way,
your memory will ever be with me
WC- 25
What we keep in memory
is ours unchanged forever
WC- 26
Death is only a shadow
across the path to heaven
WC- 27
At the going down of the sun,
and in the morning we will remember them
WC- 28
He longest lives who most to others gives,
himself forgetting
WC- 29
May the souls of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace
WC- 30
He gave thee,
He took thee,
and He will restore thee
WC- 31
God could not have made earthly ties
so strong to break them in eternity
Hush my dear, be still and slumber:
Jolly angels guard your bed
The dutifulness of children
is the foundation of all virtue
Children bring their own love
with them when they come
What would the world be to us
if children were no more?
Oh, for boyhood's time of June crowding
years into one brief moon
Sleep undisturbed within the peaceful shrine,
Till angels wake thee with a note like thine.
No jewel is as perfect
as the innocence of childhood
Sleep, my little one, sleep
Children are a heritage of the Lord.
Psalms 127:3
The child is the father of the man
Little Boy Blue has gone away
God's garden has need of little flowers
Remembering a tiny angel
So small, so sweet, so soon
Lord, we give you our littlest angel
Budded (or blossomed) on earth to bloom in Heaven
For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven
His was a man's courage
Our littlest angel who went back to Heaven
Called by one who loves him dearly
Let thy child rest in hope and rise in glory
Awaiting the touch of a little hand,
and the smile of a little face
Children are the keys of paradise
An angel visited the green earth,
and took a flower away
The place of a sleeping angel
Lost his/her wheels, but gained his/her wings
(for a child confined to a wheel chair)
F- 1
To know even one life breathed easier
because she lived is to know she
truly succeeded while here.
F- 2
We can only be said to be alive when our hearts
are conscious of our treasures. Let it be forever
remembered she was always a diamond to us.
F- 3
She never took no for an answer and pushed
ahead when others paused. But a kinder, gentler
woman you will never meet again.
F- 4
She appreciated every moment because
she knew she might never be able
to experience it again.
F- 5
She took in all the wonders of life,
wrapped them in a colorful package
and gave it to us. We'll miss you!
F- 6
The past is history. The future, a mystery.
But we will hold dear our memories of her,
her smile, the sound of her laughter...forever.
F- 7
She did more than exist, she lived.
She did more than listen, she
understood. Rest peacefully, dear.
F- 8
Goodbye to a wonderful mother and grandmother.
She lived a long and wonderful life, and was loved
by all who knew her. She will be dearly missed,
but will live on in our hearts for generations.
F- 9
Sleep on, sweet mother and wife,
And take thy rest, God called thee home
He thought it best
F- 10
My wife, my friend, the mother dear
In dreamless sleep repossess here
May those whose love to her was given
All meet and live with her in heaven
F- 11
Mother thou art gone to rest
And this shall be our prayer
That when we reach our journey's end
His glory we may share
F- 12
God's greatest gift returned to God - my mother
O,Lord I put her in thy hands
She had a kindly word for each
and she died beloved by all
She lives with us in memory
and will for evermore
F- 13
May God grant you eternal rest, dear Mother
F- 14
She concealed her tears but shared her smiles
F- 15
God took her home, it was his will,
but in our hearts she liveth still
F- 16
God bless thee wheresoe'er thou art
in his great universe today
F- 17
She is resting peacefully with
Jesus in that beautiful home above
F- 18
Her memory is enshrined in our hearts
F- 19
Her friendship was an inspriration,
her love a blessing
F- 20
Resting with those she loved
F- 21
She served and kept the faith
F- 22
She walked in beauty
F- 23
Her friends were her world
F- 24
She loved people and laughter
F- 25
She would rather give than receive
F- 26
God called her from amoung us
to a home of eternal rest
F- 27
Always loving: always loved
F- 28
To know her was to love her
F- 29
She gave so much and demanded so little
F- 30
Her children arise up and call her blessed
F- 31
A mother is a mother still,
the holiest thing alive
F- 32
Grace was in all her steps,
heaven in her eye,
in every gesture dignity and love
F- 33
When she had passed, it seemed like
the ceasing of exquisite music
F- 34
She passed through glory's morning gate
and walked in paradise
G- 1
Earth has no sorrow that heaven can not heal
G- 2
I think of you as watching from
a time and space beyond the sky,
a place where we might someday come
G- 3
May the journey on your next adventure be as joy-filled
as your time with us. See you soon!
G- 4
To the world you may have just been somebody,
but to all of us you were the world.
Thank you for the time you spent here!
G- 5
Life is not measured
By the number of breaths we take,
But by the moments
That take our breath away
G- 6
Behold my friends as you pass by
As you are now, so once was I
As I am now, soon you shall be
Give thyself to God and follow me
G- 7
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One's nearer God's heart in a garden,
Than anywhere else on earth
G- 8
Your presence is a gift to the world,
You're unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be
Take it one day at a time.
G- 9
I can only hope we shall see each other again
In that place where there is only love and no shadows fall,
You have touched my very being...I shall remember you
G- 10
We miss you very much and love you dearly
We know our God is taking care of you
And you are now one of his special angels
You are forever in our hearts
We can't wait to be with you again
G- 11
You taught all that knew you what courage meant
And have shown us an example in death as you
did in life. God give me strength in my life without you.
G- 12
I pray you can see me now and be proud of what
I have become because of your example, but most
of all I thank you because you loved me so much
G- 13
Don't mourn my loss, whatever you do
My leaving brings you closer to the loved ones
I have left behind and all the joys the future holds
G- 14
Shed not for her the bitter tear
Nor give the heart to vain regret
Tis but mere ashes that lie here
The gem that filled it sparkles yet
G- 15
Beneath this simple stone
That marks his resting place
Our precious darling sleeps alone
In the Lord's long embrace
G- 16
No pain, no grief, no anxious fear
can reach our loved one sleeping here.
M- 1
If there is another world, he lives in bliss
If not another, he made the most of this
M- 2
We laughed at him because he was different.
He laughed at us because we were all the
same. We will never laugh the same again.
M- 3
Only those who risk going too far will ever know
how far they can go. We will always remember
just how far our wonderful boy could go!
M- 4
Each life is like a letter of the alphabet. Alone
it can be meaningless. Or, like his beautiful
years with us, it can be part of a great meaning.
M- 5
He always stood for what was right and good.
And for this we shall forever cherish his memory.
M- 6
What lies behind him and what lies before
him are tiny matters compared to what lied within him
M- 7
He achieved success here because he
lived well, laughed often and loved much.
We'll forever miss you, Daddy!
M- 8
He left the world knowing he was loved.
Nothing in life could be a more precious gift.
You'll always be in our heart, son!
M- 9
He always did the things he thougt
he couldn't do. Thank you for your
courage and inspiration.
M- 10
He never heard opportunity knock
because he was too busy building
doors. Don't forget us!
M- 11
His true wealth was in his generous heart.
And what endless wealth he did have.
M- 12
It is not length of life, but depth of life.
He jumped into life and never touched bottom.