Max Marks: 80 Time: 2.45 hrs
Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob
and to stand and fight if he thinks he is right…
1. Borrowing ideas from A Nice Citizen make your own lines (minimum three ) to write in a friend’s autograph. (2 score)
2. Appreciate and admire AJ Cronin (in two sentences) for the arrangements he made to help the Dungeons in Irish Rose. (2 score)
3. Express your condolence in two sentences on an unforgettable tragedy happened last year or someone departed. (2 score)
4. The following are points justifying old-age homes at a Debate:
· The aged feel lonely in their own houses in nuclear families.
· They will get a good company of the same age group there.
· They get proper food and health services at old-age homes.
· They can keep in touch with their family through the modern communication facilities.
Now how can you argue AGAINST the above points? (4 score)
5. Edit the following Notice (the area to be edited has been underlined):
The English Speaker’s Forum conduct a Seminar on The Influence of English in Malayalam Language and Literature on October 23, 2009 at the Smart Room of GVS HSS, Cochin. Papers in the topic will present by scholars in and out of the School including students’ representatives from various educational institutes . Mr. Thomas Stephen, the Head of the Dept. of English in Universal Women’s College will inaugurate the seminar on 9.30 am. (5 score)
6. What features made Chaplin cast the kid, Jackie in his new project?
Write in 3/4 sentences (5 score)
7. You are one among the Help Desk formed at your school to host the District Kalamela. Prepare a chart of instructions and services you offer to the participants (Minimum Five) . Eg. = Get the tokens for food at the Food Committee office on the second floor.
= You can have your dress changed at Cloak Room near the Common Hall.
(6 score)
8. “…nor are we going to stop to pick up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin...”
What dos and don’ts you will write on a poster you put up at a bus-stop in your locality (minimum 5 lines) (6 score)
9. How the mother in Patherpanchali painfully discloses the daughter’ death to her husband in silent expressions is one of the most memorable scenes in world cinema. Imagine you were the asst. director to Sathyajith Ray and compose the storyboard for 4/5 shots of the scene.
Eg. Shot (1) Harihar gets down from a train and walks along the platform looking to the bright but growing cloudy sky above. (6 score)
10. Describe in few words the two sisters’ character and appearance in the play The Dear Departed . (6 score)
11. “Television images lull us into thinking that they are real, that they aren’t iconic signs at all but realities. Since we see them we trust them….”
Write the relevant points in 80 words for a speech to be made at a seminar on Media Literacy. (7 score)
12. Appreciate the following poem and compare its theme, mood and style with that of Middle Age.
Ah! then at times I drooping sit,
And spend many an anxious hour,
Nor in my book can I take delight,
Nor sit in learning’s bower,
Worn thro' with the dreary shower.
How can the bird that is born for joy,
Sit in a cage and sing.
How can a child when fears annoy.
But droop his tender wing.
And forget his youthful spring.
O! father & mother. if buds are nip'd,
And blossoms blown away,
And if the tender plants are strip'd
Of their joy in the springing day,
By sorrow and care's dismay.
How shall the summer arise in joy.
Or the summer fruits appear.
Or how shall we gather what grief’s destroy
Or bless the mellowing year.
When the blasts of winter appear.
(7 score)
13. How The World Renowned Nose can be described as a relevant satire at the contemporary world . (7 score)
14. Compose your response and reactions in a page on the bus owners strike, to mail to letters@thehidu.com, (6 score)
15. Attempt a script in two/three pages for a short movie (of 2 to 5 minutes) on Smoking or Substance Abuse. (8 score)
16. Examine the chart below. Compare and evaluate the two leading channels rating the variations in popularity of different types of programmes they telecast. (You may use expressions like while, whereas, but, than , at the same time, on the other hand ,etc.) (8 score)
Channel Programmes Viewer ship
KERALAVISION · News and related programmes· Educational· Sports· Cinema and music· Reality shows· Health related 80 % of their viewers watch it70%…50%40%30%45%
INDIANET · News and related programmes· Educational· Sports· Cinema and music· Reality shows· Health related 40 % of their viewers watch it30%50%70%80%90%
Prepared by
Ph: 9037429411. Email: ptsalam123@gmail.com